So, you're an entrepreneur, a business owner, or an artist, and you want to dip into or own your corner of the market. Having a great product, message, or idea simply isn't enough-at least in this economy. In order to be truly successful, you need more. You need You! You must become the chief marketer and front man, earning the approval and trust of the public before they'll invest in you or your product.
To put it simply, you're going to have to become a celebrity, branding yourself so that people identify you with your industry. Tiger Woods is the celebrity of golf, medicine can claim Dr. Oz, and finance has Suze Orman, among others. The one thing these people have in common is they've branded themselves. They learned their job, improved their skills and knowledge, and built an empire with it. Their names are now synonymous with what they do.
Sound tough? It can be. That's why we developed the following five must-do steps to help you build your own celebrity brand and increase your net worth.
Step One: Develop a flawless plan using the 30-thousand level view. Where do you see yourself 1 year from now? 5 years? What intellectual property do you have to offer? How do you monetize it?
Sound tough? It can be. That's why we developed the following five must-do steps to help you build your own celebrity brand and increase your net worth.
Step One: Develop a flawless plan using the 30-thousand level view. Where do you see yourself 1 year from now? 5 years? What intellectual property do you have to offer? How do you monetize it?
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